• 914-337-1715
  • info@baumanlawgroup.com

Nicholas LoBosco

  • nlobosco@baumanlawgroup.com

As part of his intellectual property practice, Nick has helped clients, from individuals, to small LLC startups, to established corporations, with registration, litigation, contracts, clearance and more.

Before joining Bauman Law Group, Nick also spent time at litigation firms where he handled cases from their onset with pleadings, discovery, motions, conferences, oral argument, and expert witnesses.

Nick graduated Brooklyn Law School in May 2021 with a Certificate in Intellectual Property, Media, and Information Law with Distinction. He was a member and coach of their Moot Court Honor Society, with the privilege to be selected as a member of their National Trial Team and receive the New York City Trial Lawyers’ Association Prize for Excellence in Trial Skill (2021). He also served as a member and researcher of their Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.